Why Choose SAFARI?
Always Choose Safari!
For over 60 years, SAFARI owners have counted on their SAFARI Helicopter to take them to their next adventure. Choosing which helicopter to own is an important decision. At SAFARI we want you to have the information you need to make a decision you will be happy with for many years.
Hover over the information icon to see some of the reasons SAFARI is your best choice.

Want to know more about how SAFARI compares to other light helicopters?
We’ve gathered some information about Rotorway and Robinson R-22 which is used frequently in flight schools. A lot of those used R-22 helicopters come on the market and in many cases look like a good buy. The biggest difference in the cost of owning a used R-22 and a new SAFARI is the ongoing cost of upkeep.
Low operating costs mean you can fly your SAFARI even more!
The SAFARI does not require continual repairs and replacements. Enjoy more flight time and less tool time.
Just how capable is the SAFARI? How much weight can it carry? How much fuel on board?
The exceptional performance of the SAFARI means that you can load up two fluffy guys and full fuel and still fly on a hot day.
How much maintenance does the SAFARI require?
The current model SAFARI won’t require anything significant until the 500 hour mark. That is a long time for a helicopter not being used commercially!
Do you have the time and skills to build a kit helicopter?
It doesn’t take as much time as you think it does and it is much easier than it looks! It is mostly assembly, with a little bit of fabrication thrown in so you’ll feel like you really did something.
SAFARI - The undisputed leader in experimental helicopters and our story.
First it was a Helicom, and then ……
The SAFARI fun machine has evolved over many years of upgrades and improvements.
If we had realized how many changes we would make when we started, we would have been more careful to make an actual list. Since we didn’t make that list at the beginning, we are providing what we have and will add new information over time. This information is written in “shorthand”, so we will be glad to answer any questions you may have.
The SAFARI team believes in sharing information with current and potential owners.
We’ve made this a public space because rumors, speculation and misinformation are also in the public domain. This is a “leap of faith” on our part. We believe that the Safari is a safe and dependable kit helicopter when operated with good judgment and piloting skill.