Buy A SAFARI 500 Complete Kit!
SAFARI 500 Complete Kit
Includes Everything You Need
Nothing Else To Buy!
To buy a flight ready SAFARI 500 call us
1-850-482-4141 or email us at

SAFARI 500 Complete Kit
- IO-360 Lycoming Engine
- Fabricated and Powder Coated Frame
- Carbon Fiber Exterior Cabin Shell and Assembled Tail Boom
- Cabin Completion Package
- Leather Or Cloth Upholstered Seats and Fitted Floorboard Carpet
- Fabricated Engine Cooling Shroud and Vertical Engine Conversion Package
- Main Rotor Head With Titanium Spindle
- Composite Main Rotor Blades (12’) with Permanent Lead/Lag Adjustment Plates
- Main Transmission with Engine Cooling Fan, Chip Detector with Alarm
- Sprag Overrunning Clutch
- Factory Balanced Tail Rotor Assembly with Titanium Blades, Chip Detector with Alarm
- Engine/Rotor Speed Governor Installation Package
- Cyclic Electric Trim Installation Package
- Collective Friction Lock Installation Package
- Curved, Chrome Cyclic Sticks
- Instrument Enclosure with Instrument/Electrical Installation Package
- Main Rotor Tachometer with High/Low Alarm
- Gauges: Cylinder Head Temperature, Engine Oil and Transmission Oil Temperature, Engine Oil Pressure, Ammeter, Fuel Levels, Carburetor Temperature, Outside Air Temperature, Manifold Pressure Compass, Airspeed Indicator, Vertical Airspeed Indicator, Altimeter Or MGL EFIS System
- Hour Meter, Navigation, Landing, and Strobe Lights
- Ground Handling Wheels and Camming Lever Assembly
Buy A SAFARI 400 Complete Kit!
SAFARI 400 Complete Kit ONLY $142,800!ONLY $142,800!Includes Everything You Need – Nothing Else To Buy!
IO-360 Lycoming Engine
Fabricated and Powder Coated Frame with Internal Body Ribbing and Exterior Cabin Sheet Metal Installed
Temporarily Mounted Bubble and Cabin Completion Package
Leather Or Cloth Upholstered Seats and Fitted Floorboard Carpet
Fabricated Engine Cooling Shroud and Vertical Engine Conversion Package
Main Rotor Head With Titanium Spindle
Composite Main Rotor Blades (12’) with Permanent Lead/Lag Adjustment Plates
Main Transmission with Engine Cooling Fan, Chip Detector with Alarm
Sprag Overrunning Clutch
Factory Balanced Tail Rotor Assembly with Titanium Blades, Chip Detector with Alarm
Engine/Rotor Speed Governor Installation Package
Cyclic Electric Trim Installation Package
Collective Friction Lock Installation Package
Curved, Chrome Cyclic Sticks
Composite Instrument Enclosure with Instrument/Electrical Installation Package
Main Rotor Tachometer with High/Low Alarm
Gauges: Cylinder Head Temperature, Engine Oil and Transmission Oil Temperature, Engine Oil Pressure, Ammeter, Fuel Levels, Carburetor Temperature, Outside Air Temperature, Manifold Pressure Or MGL EFIS System.
Compass, Airspeed Indicator, Vertical Airspeed Indicator, Altimeter, Hour Meter,Navigation, Landing, and Strobe Lights
Ground Handling Wheels and Camming Lever Assembly