The SAFARI 400 Helicopter comes to you with the interior ribs and exterior sheet metal installed on the cabin frame, with the bubble temporarily mounted. The 4130 Chromoly tubing frame is completely welded when you receive it. No welding is necessary to complete your helicopter. The cab frame and tail boom are powder coated in the color of your choice and ready to bolt together.
Main Transmission
- Main Rotor Head
- Main Rotor Blades – Perfectly Matched Set
- Tail Rotor Assembly – Factory Balanced
The remaining parts of your helicopter needed for completion are packaged, identified according to use, and boxed. These are as follows:
- Instrument and Electrical Kit, which includes a composite instrument pod, completed solenoid board, wiring harness and instructions, all gauges and instruments listed in the Kit price sheets, and all other small items relative to their installation.
- Fuel System Kit, including two complete tanks and all hardware
- Tube Finish Kit, including aluminum skids and hardware
- Ground Handling Wheel Kit, which includes wheels and pivoting axle for ground wheels
- Bubble and Cab Installation Kit, including temporarily mounted bubble, templates for interior sheet metal, installed exterior sheet metal, and all needed fasteners and other hardware
- Engine Conversion Kit, which contains everything needed to position the engine vertically and a pre-fabricated engine shroud that is ready for paint
- Flight Control Kit, including nickle plated, curved cyclic sticks, Infinity grips, collective switch box, friction lock, electric trim and governor
- Tail Rotor Driveshaft
“Engine Package” includes a Lycoming O-360 engine, Stainless Steel Exhaust System, and the Starter and Alternator package. The Stainless Steel Exhaust System was developed to meet European noise standards, and provide cabin heat for year-round comfort.